Thursday 6 December 2012

Assignment 1

The Nintendo Wii was also released in 2006. It was codenamed the “Revolution” then later renamed Wii.
The Wii Remote is has been revolutionizing game play with accelerometers and infrared detection to sense its position in 3D space. It’s a huge hit for the big N.

Assignment 1

The Xbox was Microsoft’s first independent venture into the video game console arena. Some titles at launch were Amped, Dead or Alive 3, Halo: Combat Evolved and Project Gotham Racing.
In November 2002 Microsoft introduced the Xbox Live on-line gaming service. 250,000 subscribers had signed on in just 2 months when Live was launched. 

Assignment 1

the Nintendo 64. Its code name was Project Reality. The name changed to Nintendo Ultra 64, then just Nintendo 64.

Assignment 1

it was the year that the Sony PlayStation hit. It actually came about because Nintendo wanted Sony to develop a CD-ROM add-on called “PlayStation” for the SNES. Sony wanted 25% of all profits Nintendo earned from sales and all PlayStation games. So Nintendo instead went to Philips. Sony simply made it into a full console. Sony had a successful launch and the rest is history.

Assignment 1

In 1985 a new era of video games was about to be unleashed on the world with the NES system. Released in Japan in 1983, the Nintendo Family Computer (Famicom) started slow, due to a ton of programming errors and freezing in its first year. A product recall soon followed and then a reissue with a new motherboard. That was when the Famicom’s popularity soared to the best-selling game console in Japan by 1984. North America came next. In 1985, Nintendo unveiled the American version at CES. It was just as popular in America as the Famicom was in Japan.

Assignment 1

In 1977 Atari Video Pinball made it as a home console, letting people play Breakout at home. The first version featured a wood grain finish like the Atari 2600, but later became plain white plastic. You could use the bumper controllers on the sides or a dial on the front to control the games. Pinball, Basketball, and Breakout.

Assignment 1

We love video games around here. Whether we’re playing the Xbox 360, the PS3 or even an old Atari 2600. We thought we would take a look at the history of gaming consoles from 1972 to the present. You grew up with the vintage consoles, you play the new ones